The BMS sets the explicit goal to reach a fifty percent representation of women among its students. The following measures will be taken: The BMS counseling and mentoring will be set up specifically in order to strengthen women during their course of studies at the BMS. In the framework of the BMS program, we have a special responsibility and opportunity to encourage female candidates to continue their path from the Phase I into the dissertation research phase. Thus the BMS mentors will especially support women at the point of transition from Phase I to Phase II, where they choose an area of research, research group and thesis advisor, and prepare for qualifying exams.
Beyond the PhD there are clearly too few women on the Berlin mathematics faculty, and there is no fast and simple way to remedy this. However there is an urgent need for more positive role models for women in mathematics. The BMS will provide these on many levels, both in terms of Berlin faculty, and as guests, visitors, colloquium speakers etc.
BMS will offer informal meetings for our female students, with the intention of exchanging experiences and mutual assistance. Special Sonia Kovalevskaya Colloquia (as a part of the regular BMS Friday) will feature women mathematicians, both senior and junior, who can be seen as successful role models. The speakers will be asked to share their experiences as women mathematicians with the female part of the audience.
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